Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Microsoft Publisher

1.Hi everyone,i find that microsoft powerpoint is very useful.You can do many things there,and also to practice good hygiene to prevent yourself from having H1N1.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Hi everyone,today i am going to talk about earth day,as my tuition teacher says that the light or heat from the sun will take 8 mins to travel even though light travel fast.
As i heard that madam siti says that the gas call the O-zone layer is getting lesser each they because of people is always polutting.My tuitoin teacher also said that 21% is oxygen and 0.05% is carbon dioxide and about 78% is nitrogen.
The earth is important to me because this is the only planet.
If we dont recycle,reuse and reduce the earth will be very sick.
Me and my family will try to reuse,recycle and reduce the things we use to save the EARTH.
This is all I would like to say;D
liy /bye/ :X:0

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Improving the school

I like the computer the most in our school.I can play games ,go online to chat with my friends and we also can do many others things with the computers.
The aspect that i dislike most i the toilet.Some of the toilet bowl is chock and it is very dirty and smelly.
We can ask people to flush the toilet after they use and also ask people not to throw the toilet paper after they use.
Last time Mrs Subra says that girls should not be wearing colourful earrings.In my opinion all the girls should obey the rules about what Mrs Subra had said.
Anyway this is what i feel about how to improve the school:)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Healthy eating

Hi everyone, for now i am going to talk about "what do we have to eat in order to be healthy?"in order to be healthy we have to eat 3 to 4 serving of vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water and some fruits.

Some of the unhealthy food that children and adults like to eat are for examples;potato chips,prawn crackers,brownie with chocolate fudge etc......

If we don't eat healthily,it will lead us to stroke,heart attack and many more health related problems

Eating healthily will not lead us to the above.Only eating healthily does not means we will be 100% healthy.We must also exercise daily.

I love to eat vegetables as they are healthy for me and i will also try to exercise daily to keep my balance diet always
I encourage people to eat and exercise daily to keep your balance diet always healthy:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reflaction on target

Hi everyone,our teacher told us to type about something related to our ca1 test.
I hit my English,maths and science,i was very surprised that i did not hit my chinese because i had no time to revise as my chinese teacher says that the chinese worksheet is the most important so i mother told me to do the chinese worksheet.Idid as i was told,so i did and i have 8 chinese worksheet do.Idid rest to have dinner and continue,until it was about 10;30pm and i still have time so i did my homework.Until my mother told me to stopas my father already went somewhere to do something on his work.Anywayi scored 62/100 for chinese and my target is 85/100.
Now i am going to talk about my favourite suject which is Maihs i could not recall about what what i have to score 92/100 and my target is 72/100.
I scored 94/100 for my science as i only did one of the top ten papers which is
methodist girls or st.nichoclas girls but i could not recall how much i score for that.
Last but not least i scored 76/100for english and my target is 65/100 and i could not recall what i had done .Lastly i want to say thank you for reading my post!;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sports day

Hi again;) i did go to sports day because i wanted to cheer for my team,and sapphire won again ruby last,emerald third and topaz second.At first, we have to line up to let our teachers take our attendance then we can go back to our team.
Then all the participants were supposed to march in together according to their houses.Anyway after that the races begin that we play.After that we sing the national anthem and line and again the teachers took our attendance and got ready to live the stadium.When we reached school Chelsea and Anna went to my house and enjoy ourselves.Bye!